Category: Florida Natives

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Native Florida Coffee Species (Psychotria ligustrifolia, P. nervosa, P. sulzneri)

Since 1958, grower Juan Valdez and his mule, Conchita, have been employed to put us in mind of some of the best coffee in the world.  These fictional characters have left an indelible impression on generations of consumers.  And right now you might be thinking how nice it would be to stroll through lush fields of coffee in Colombia. …
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February 9, 2013 0

Florida Natives

Richard Lyons’ Nursery has a large selection of Florida Native Plants for the landscape.  Here are just a few to choose from:

September 22, 2012 0

Krugiodendron ferreum (Black Ironwood)

Krugiodendron ferreum, or Black Ironwood, is native from Cape Canaveral southward into islands of the Caribbean Basin and from southern Mexico to Honduras.  It is often found in hammockland near coastal waters, yet once established in an urban setting, it does not require irrigation.  As the refer-ence to iron in its species name suggests, the wood of this…
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September 1, 2012 0