Category: Flowering Shrubs

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Fragrance for Your Yard, Part II

We continue with our look at fragrant plants that Richard Lyons’ Nursery recommends for your yard. Acacia farnesiana – Its common name, Sweet Acacia, describes the quality of its fragrance. This native North American species, which matures slowly to about 30 ft., has a lot going for it: It is relatively pest-free. It produces puffy, golden-yellow flowers…
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May 1, 2015 0

Fragrance for Your Yard

One of the many benefits of growing tropical plants is the ability to surround oneself with species that produce a fragrance. With judicious selection, a homeowner can have something sweet-smelling in flower just about year-round and can even satisfy a preference for daytime or nighttime scents. Following is a survey of some of the fragrant…
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April 24, 2015 0

The Colorful Copperleaf Shrubs

In many parts of the United States, the Copperleaf is a popular summertime landscaping element, a heat-loving annual bedding plant that disintegrates with the onset of winter conditions.  But it’s really a perennial evergreen shrub, and we in southern Florida are fortunate to be able to grow it inground or in containers year-round, allowing it…
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January 2, 2015 0

Biscayne Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum coriaceum)

Does this name fail to ring a bell with you?  Fret not; you aren’t alone.  Biscayne Prickly Ash is among the rarest, and least known, of our state’s native flora.  While the small tree occurs naturally from the western Caribbean into Florida, from Palm Beach County south, coastal development has been making it vanish.  (It…
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December 19, 2014 0

The Allure of Brunfelsia

If you’ve been driving around town in the past month, your gaze might have been diverted by a dazzling plant in full flower. It’s the one covered from top to bottom with 2-in. wide blooms ranging from purple to lavender to white – simultaneously! You’re looking at Brunfelsia grandiflora, commonly called Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow. While this species is very dependable…
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November 21, 2014 0