Category: Under the Jakfruit Tree

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

White Alder

Turnera subulata is a somewhat woody groundcover with unique flowers. They open in the early morning hours and close in the early afternoon. While they are open though, they attract an abundance of honeybees and skipper butterflies. While this plant is native to Central America and northern South America, it grows quite well in South…
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December 3, 2023 0

Tropical Clematis

Clematis smilacifolia is a tropical Clematis. The genus name is from the Ancient Greek meaning ‘A climbing plant’.  Most of the species of this genus are found throughout the temperate regions of the world. This Clematis is native to India and grows very well in South Florida.  Like most vines, it needs support such as…
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November 26, 2023 0

Chinese Violet

Asystasia gangetica is not a true violet, but rather in the family, Acanthaceae. It is native to India, China, and northern Australia. This plant makes an excellent groundcover in a sunny location in South Florida spreading very quickly. Its abundance of purple flowers throughout the year are a great pollen source for honeybees and it…
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November 19, 2023 0

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Brunfelsia grandiflora is in peek flowering season and is one of the most colorful shrubs in the South Florida landscape. While it starts blooming in late September or early October, and continues into the springtime, mid-November thru December really is at its most spectacular. It has an unusual common name of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow…
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November 12, 2023 0

Nodding Glorybower Shrub

Clerodendrum wallichii, also known as the Nodding Glorybower shrub or Bridal Veil, is a unique member of the genus Clerodendrum. It can be grown in partial shade and can attain a height of 7 feet. It is a fall/winter bloomer with fragrant white flowers on a 1 to 2 foot pendulous flower spike. The flowers…
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November 5, 2023 0