Queen’s Tears Bromeliad

Billbergia nutans is an epiphytic bromeliad native to South America which can also be grown in the ground. This bromeliad readily forms clumping narrow upright rosettes which are bronze/green in color, about 2 feet tall. As with most bromeliads, it is the flowers that attract most growers. In South Florida this bromeliad is currently in full bloom. The flower stalks hang down and consist of bright pink bracts, and the actual flowers are chartreuse green edged in royal blue. They exude tear-like droplets of nectar, thus giving it its common name.
Richard Lyons Nursery currently has this bromeliad in stock and it is in full bloom.
Billbergia nutans (Queen’s Tears) Billbergia nutans (Queen’s Tears) Billbergia nutans (Queen’s Tears)