Japanese Honeysuckle

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Japanese Honeysuckle

June 27, 2021 Butterfly and Hummingbird Gardening Flowering Vines 0

Consider a fragrant flowering vine for your fence or isolated trellis. Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) is such a vine. It flowers freely throughout the year in S. Florida. If you want the native Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) or commonly called coral or trumpet honeysuckle, that is also a good choice for a year round bloomer. It also attracts hummingbirds in South Florida’s winter.

Richard Lyons Nursery has both of these varieties in stock.