Author: Steve Turner

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Golden Thryallis Shrub

Galphimia gracilis is a shrub native to Central America and northern South America. It is commonly grown in South Florida in full sun to partial shade attaining a height of 6-10′ and equally as wide. It blooms throughout the summer and into the fall months with bright yellow star shaped flowers on 6″ flower spikes.…
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October 8, 2023 0

Pride of Barbados

Caesalpinia pulcherrima is the national flower of the Caribbean Island of Barbados. This small tree or large shrub can reach a height of 8-12′ and blooms all summer long and into the fall in South Florida. The most common flower color is reddish orange. However, there is a cultivar of solid yellow and one of…
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October 1, 2023 0

Mussaenda or Flag Bush

Most people know this plant by its botanical genus name, Mussaenda. However, there is a common name for this plant which is not used very often and that is Flag Bush. Mussaenda is a genus of shrubs in the Rubiaceae Family (the Coffee Family) with very showy enlarged floral sepals which surround the true flower.…
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September 24, 2023 0

Mexican Petunia

Ruellia brittoniana is a perennial plant in South Florida forming a dense clump attaining a height of 3-4′. A lot of gardeners shy away from this plant due to its invasive nature. However, I submit that some invasive plants can be a positive and this is one of those. It is an excellent nectar source…
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September 17, 2023 0

Night and Day Blooming Jasmine

Cestrum nocturnum (Night Blooming Jasmine) and Cestrum diurnum (Day Blooming Jasmine) are not actually related to true jasmines but rather they are members of the Solanaceae Family like tomato plants. They are very fragrant like jasmines so I suppose that is the reason for the common name. Night blooming jasmine is a shrub that can…
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September 10, 2023 0