Category: Colorful Foliage Plants

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

The Colorful Copperleaf Shrubs

In many parts of the United States, the copperleaf is a popular summertime landscaping element, a heat-loving annual bedding plant that disintegrates with the onset of winter conditions. But it’s really a perennial evergreen shrub, and we in southern Florida are fortunate to be able to grow it inground or in containers year-round, allowing it…
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September 22, 2018 0

The Versatile Crotons

While Richard Lyons’ Nursery is known for its tremendous variety of flowering trees and shrubs, blossoms aren’t the only way to color up a landscape. Leaves can also be used to great advantage, and tropical plants ‘leave’ temperate species in the dust when it comes to colorful foliage. Among the most successful and popular plants…
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September 8, 2018 0

Spring 2016 Makes a Grand Entrance in Southern Florida

Believe it or not, we do have seasons here in southern Florida. And spring is upon us! I just completed a tour of the nursery, where there is evidence everywhere of the new season. Sweet Almond (Aloysia virgata) is extremely fragrant, in contrast with its much milder scent during the winter. Mysore Raspberries (Rubus niveus) are…
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April 8, 2016 0

Something to Brighten Up Your Landscape

You’ll probably agree that one of our favorite tropical fruits is ananas. No, we didn’t leave the ‘b’ off bananas. What most of the world calls ananas (usually pronounced ananás) is what English-speakers call pineapple. ‘Ananas’ came from the word that the Tupí, a Brazilian indigenous people, used for the plant. ‘Pineapple’ probably arose from…
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August 21, 2015 0

The Versatile Crotons

While Richard Lyons’ Nursery is known for its tremendous variety of flowering trees and shrubs, blossoms aren’t the only way to color up a landscape. Leaves can also be used to great advantage, and tropical plants ‘leave’ temperate species in the dust when it comes to colorful foliage. Among the most successful and popular plants…
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May 29, 2015 0