Category: Flowering Shrubs

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Chenille Plant

Acalypha hispida is a shrub in the Euphorbiaceae Family, 4-6′ tall and 5-8′ wide native to the South Pacific. The flowers are the interesting part of this plant and the reason for its common name, Chenille. They are bright red up to 18″ long and pendulous. The individual flowers are very small, but tightly packed…
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December 18, 2022 0

Snowflake Bush

Euphorbia leucocephala has many common names, but Snowflake is probably the most appropriate, so I will stick with that one. This shrub can reach 8-12′ tall and 3-4′ wide. It is recommended that it be pruned back after flowering is complete to prevent it from getting too leggy. Like its relative, the Christmas Poinsettia, Snowflake…
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December 11, 2022 0

Two Tropical Hydrangeas

Dombeya wallichii and Dombeya burgessiae ‘Seminole’ are commonly called Tropical Hydrangea due to their flowers looking very similar to the temperate Hydrangea. However, botanically they are in the Malvaceae family which is the Hibiscus or Mallow Family. So, in fact they are more closely related to Hibiscus than Hydrangea. Dombeya wallichii is more tree-like than…
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November 27, 2022 0


Chiococca alba is a Florida native shrub with a sprawling vinelike growth habit in the Coffee Family (Rubiaceae). It occurs in the coastal counties of Florida just south of the Panhandle all the way to Key West, growing in partial shade. Snowberry has somewhat fragrant yellow bell-shaped flowers providing nectar for butterflies and bees. The…
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August 20, 2022 0

Brazilian Red Cloak

Brazilian Red Cloak (Megaskepasma erythrochlamys), a winter bloomer which can tolerate shady conditions, and attract hummingbirds to your landscape. What’s not to like? A very tropical looking shrub with large green leaves, contrasting against the bright red bracts which house tubular white flowers. It can be planted as a single specimen shrub, or as a…
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July 24, 2022 0