Category: Did You Know?

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Lipstick Tree (Bixa orellana)

Bixa orellana, the Lipstick Tree, has to be one of the most fascinating plants found anywhere.  It has been valuable, versatile and popular for so long that no one knows exactly where in the New World Tropics it originated. The species name honors Francisco de Orellana, a Spanish conquistador of the 16th century, who, according…
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May 12, 2013 0

Diseases of Citrus and Avocado Trees

As just about everyone knows, southern Florida’s climate permits homeowners to grow a vast and impressive array of fruit trees.  But the lower end of the peninsula is also a sitting duck for the introduction of diseases and detrimental insects.  Lamentably, Richard Lyons’ Nursery must now recommend that you no longer plant citrus and avocado trees…
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April 27, 2013 0

Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa)

Almost everyone, whether a plant lover or not, knows the Lady Palm — if not by name, at least by sight — for it is one of the most successful indoor palms in use.  Because of its easy adaptability to low light and dry air, it graces interior landscapes in containers of all sizes at malls, offices, hotels and airports. …
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April 6, 2013 0

Allspice (Pimenta dioica) and Bay Rum (Pimenta racemosa)

The genus Pimenta comprises 14 flowering species, among which are a some of the most interesting and desirable aromatic trees in the world.  But it’s all a mistake . . . a big mistake.  Spanish explorers poking around Mexico in the 16th century found an attractive medium-sized tree whose berry-like fruits resembled black pepper, so they called it…
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March 16, 2013 0

Plants Toxic to Dogs and Cats

Many of us reside in southern Florida because of the wonderful winter climate that permits us not only to enjoy the great outdoors without bundling up, but to cultivate thousands of tropical plants.  However, as the old saying goes, there is no good unalloyed, and not every plant is benign.  If you own a dog…
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February 1, 2013 0