Friends of the Gifford Arboretum September Meeting

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Friends of the Gifford Arboretum September Meeting

August 10, 2012 Did You Know? 0
Craig Morell, Pinecrest Gardens Horticulturist

Craig Morell, Pinecrest Gardens Horticulturist

Gifford Arboretum meeting
Thursday, Sept. 6, 7:00 pm
at University of Miami, Cox Science Center, Coral Gables, FL
Phone: (305) 284-1302
“A Better Diet Makes a Better Garden: The Renovation of Pinecrest Gardens.” Craig Morell, Pinecrest Gardens Horticulturist, will describe some of the profound changes that have taken place to transform Parrot Jungle into Pinecrest Gardens. Learn how proper use of fertilizers can improve your garden without damaging the environment, and also hear the history of, and future plans for, the garden.