Under The Jakfruit Tree

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Under The Jakfruit Tree

December 13, 2020 Flowering Shrubs 0

Tropical Hydrangea is probably not a very good common name given the fact this plant is not related to Hydrangea at all. I am referring to Dombeya burgessiae ‘Seminole’. A large shrub with dark green foliage contrasting with bright pink hydrangia looking blossoms. It is currently flowering all around South Florida, and will do so through the spring. The flowers attract an abundance of honey bees.

Richard Lyons Nursery currently has this plant in stock.

Dombeya burgessiae ‘Seminole’ (Tropical Rose Hydrangea)