Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow (Brunfelsia grandiflora)

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow (Brunfelsia grandiflora)

October 20, 2012 Flowering Shrubs 0

Brunfelsia grandiflora is a member of the Solanaceae Family, which its most recognizable member is the Tomato Plant.  Its common name, Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow, is aptly named, as its flowers start out purple, fading to pale lavender, and then to white over a 3-4 day period.  When the shrub is in full bloom in late October – February, all three color shades will be present at the same time.  This shrub is native to tropical regions of South America and can attain a height of 7-10′.  It grows best in sun to partial shade.  It is unclear whether flowering is triggered by the dry season or shorter daylengths in S. Florida.  The nursery has this beautiful shrub available in 1gal./3gal./7gal./15gal. containers.

Brunfelsia grandiflora (Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow)

Brunfelsia grandiflora (Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow)

Brunfelsia grandiflora (Yesterday,Today,and Tomorrow)