Category: Fruit at the Nursery

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Fruit for Sale

Currently at Richard Lyons Nursery, there is Sapodilla and Jujube fruit for sale!. While you are here, take a walk around the nursery and see all of the plants offered for sale.

February 10, 2019 0

From Under the Jakfruit Tree

This week we harvested two large bunches of  bananas, one is called ‘burro’ used primarily for cooking and the other for eating out of hand. We have many more available for  sale. Each bunch had more than 10 hands, very nice.  Both plants and fruit are available for sale. Since our South Florida soil is…
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November 24, 2018 0

U.S. Consumers ‘Discover’ Jackfruit

Fresh Plaza is an online publisher of news concerning the global fresh produce industry. An article it ran this week reports that consumers around the U.S. are discovering what we in southern Florida have known for a long time: Jackfruit is really good to eat! Richard Lyons’ Nursery has been growing jackfruit for over a…
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January 20, 2017 0

Exotic Jackfruit Gains in Popularity

The Food Network, in its online blog, FN Dish, recently ran a feature story about jackfruit. This huge, delicious fruit is just beginning to gain nationwide interest, but Richard Lyons’ Nursery has been growing the species for over a decade. Richard describes the complex flavor of the fruit as a combination of pineapple, banana and…
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June 17, 2016 0

World’s Largest Fruit on a Tree — and Yummy, Too!

We’ve all heard about 1,600-lb. pumpkins and 270-lb. watermelons. Those are impressive weights, and fortunately the fruits had the ground to support them as they increased in size. But do you know the largest fruit that grows on a tree?  It’s the jackfruit (or jakfruit), and not only is it big, but it’s also very tasty – and versatile. Let’s take…
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August 28, 2015 0