Mango Trees and Fruit

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Mango Trees and Fruit

February 19, 2023 Fruit at the Nursery Fruit Trees Under the Jakfruit Tree 0

Mangifera indica is the botanical name for the mango tree, but it is not needed with this tree as there is no confusion with its common name. Most everyone in South Florida looks forward to the mango season. There are so many varieties to choose from and it seems like everyone has their favorite. Some years are disappointing due to late cold temperatures killing flowers, or rainy windy conditions shattering flowers. However, based on what I have observed at the nursery and around South Florida, mango trees are in full bloom and it is looking like there will be a very good crop this year.

Richard Lyons Nursery has many grafted trees for sale, and will have fruit for sale as it ripens on the trees.